

So, as you know, I started work yesterday.  ...I don't have too much to tell really, but I'll do what I can.

We had orientation; that was cool.  I got to see all about our vision, mission, values, and how our company is really awesome.  After a 2-3 hour orientation, I was introduced to my cubicle.  And dude, I got my name on it!  It's a piece of plastic, but it was a custom-made piece of plastic!  It's really cool, no sarcasm!  I get two computer screens along with a phone (also with my name on it), 2 chairs (one for a colleague or supervisor), and a whiteboard!  It's all very professional and rather quiet, yet kinda laid back and sociable.  I like it!

As for what I'm doing exactly....so far, just reading.  Sorry, it's just not that exciting.  However...it's story time.  The following illustrations are for Andy, who inspires me to the brink of plagiarism and to draw illustrations just like in Hyperbole and a Half. (Love you Andy, <3 )  No originality points for me today...

So today was day 2, and I decided to bring some things to my cubicle.  I brought my Jeopardy! calendar, my Bible, some school notes, and my headphones, so I could get motivated!  I started reading my book right after I hooked up to some sweet tunes on the Internet. 

I'm the blue guy.

And man, I was flying! I was really understanding the material, and I was proud of myself.  And my tunes started nice and slow for the morning: beautiful piano music that really helped me focus.  But after about maybe 30 or 40 minutes, I needed a kick.  So I threw on a different playlist that was much more upbeat (techno).  But something was wrong...

Whoa, they scared me!  I had no idea they were there!  I wonder what they want?  I should probably take my headphones off...


Apparently, my computer tower speakers don't disable when I plug in headphones.  Thus, everyone within 3 cubicles of me heard my blaring techno.  In other words, it was 9:30am, and I forgot to invite everyone to the techno dance party I had in my cubicle. I was so embarrassed...it's day 2 and look, I'm starting trouble!  But they were real nice about it.  And in hindsight, it could have been a lot worse.  Just imagine if I was listening to Madonna...or K-Pop....hey, it happens.  Don't judge.

So anyway, that's another update.  I really appreciate everyone reading and leaving comments, btw.  It was really touching, no joke.  Please keep doing it if you have the time.

Stay tuned for more on cooking adventures and whatever else may befall me!


  1. Didn't you list that as one of your strengths on your resume? "ability to create and maintain dance parties with little to no notice"? I mean, that's one of the first things I's put on mine if I had that ability...

  2. You're my hero brandon. Just saying <3

  3. You obviously need to start hosting dance parties in your cubicle on Fridays. Get a strobe light...disco ball...
    Be that guy.

  4. This..this is awesome.

    I only get one monitor because I'm just a lowly intern :-(

  5. Techno dance party guy. I like it. It has a nice beat to it [sorry I couldn't help myself]. But seriously, bring the party to Austin!

  6. This made me so happy. I was literally chuckling out loud. Keep writing Brandon.

    Also, you should teach your coworkers how to do the White Man Dance.

  7. double monitors are so great!
    haha, awesome story :D glad it was cool!

  8. hahaha, I literally laughed out loud at that one.
